
Hashisms: more heartbreak

me: when are we going to have a love child?
Hash: i have seven
i just don't like to talk about it
3:07 PM me: well you need an 8th
with me
Hash: noope
3:08 PM i'm talking to a girl right now
she's cool
3:09 PM me: sweet. congratulations
i'm happy for you.
i was jk about our love child. jajaja. so you don't have to worry. you haven't broken my heart
Hash: i know
it's impossible to break a heart of stone, anyway

(part of my chronicle of ultra silly online conversations)


Got some hearts that I'll be breaking

I'm going to break up with somebody with this song. It's awesome! The video is pretty sweet too.

'Just Ain't Gonna Work Out' by Mayer Hawthorne:

Benisms: influenza porcina


i wasn't scared... but then i read this on the cdc: In September 1988, a previously healthy 32-year-old pregnant woman was hospitalized for pneumonia and died 8 days later.

what's the difference? why were you scared before?

cos she was previously healthy!


not scared


and i was banking on my good immune system

to save me


well yeah, duh...one day you're good, the next day you die. that's how death works. hahaha

Bevisms: Souvenirs

me: wheres he from originally?
11:37 PM Beverly: Oaxaca
me: has he been to tex?
how the fuck did he end up all the way in mo?
Beverly: LOL
11:38 PM Good question
He must have passed through it
I mean, how else do you get into the U.S.?
California, I guess
there are obviously other options
But, seems like it'd be hard to bypass all of Texas to get to CoMo
11:39 PM me: LOL
omg. you are so funny
Beverly: lol
me: obviously there are other options
Beverly: LOL
11:40 PM You and your status messgaes. They entertain me
I momentarily forgot Mexico bordered other states, lol
11:41 PM New Mexico
That's it though. I pulled up a map on google images
11:42 PM Any person that made the trek from Latin America into the U.S. has got balls, dude
me: for sure
Beverly: You know you've found yourself a good man
me: hardcore balls


For the sake of blogging anything at all

These days I don't have much human interaction, but back in the day when I had a real reporter job I would observe all sorts of fun stuff walking down the hallways at work. People would say the most random, funny things.

Here's one of those convos
(Sorry if you don't speak Spanish):

Guy #1: (Scoff) Hmm.
Como eres chistoso

Guy #2: ¡Tu mami, maricón!
